

15 December 2021

Marine Tours, Proud Sponsor at AMVER Awards Ceremony 2021

Marine Tours, honoring its long relationship with the Propeller Club of the U.S., supported, once again, as proud sponsor the AMVER Awards ceremony, a well-established annual tradition, which serves as a meeting point for representatives of the global shipping community.
4 October 2021

An open letter from the CEO of Marine Tours Group, Konstantinos Oikonomou, about the New Era of Business Travel

Dear Partners, First and foremost, I hope my letter finds you healthy and safe at the beginning of the new season. It is a fact that […]
17 September 2021

Marine Tours’ Webinar:”Crew Changes: The Challenges and the Regulatory Impact of Vaccination Programmes”, under the auspices of the LISW21

On 13th September 2021 Marine Tours hosted with great success the webinar "Crew Changes: The Challenges and the Regulatory Impact of Vaccination Programmes" under the auspices of the London International Shipping Week 2021 (LISW21). An interactive panel discussion focusing on how shipping organizations can navigate the future of crew travel, highlighting the vital role of seafarers’ vaccination in it.
9 September 2021

Marine Tours, “Official Travel Partner” of the Greek Maritime Golf Event 2021, at Costa Navarino

The top maritime golf tournament, Greek Maritime Golf Event 2021, was held for the 7th year on September 3 - 5 2021, at Costa Navarino, Messinia, giving its annual appointment with distinguished executives of the Greek and world shipping industry.
28 April 2021

An Easter message of the CEO of Marine Tours Group, Konstantinos Oikonomou

Dear Partners, It has been a year since humanity was faced the greatest challenge of the last decades, an unprecedented crisis that shifted our priorities and […]
13 April 2021

Inspiring Today. Empowering Tomorrow.

Αt Marine Tours, we firmly believe that knowledge is power! Staying true to our promise and ethical commitment to empowering the shipping community in each and every possible way, we proudly power great educational initiatives such as...
8 February 2021

Marine Tours signs the Neptune Declaration on Seafarers Wellbeing & Crew Change

We are proud to announce that Marine Tours is a signatory of the Neptune Declaration on Seafarers Wellbeing and Crew Change, an initiative that was developed by the Maritime Industry Crew Change Taskforce and has been joined till now, by over 550 companies across the world.
28 December 2020

Eπιστολή του Κωνσταντίνου Οικονόμου, Διευθύνοντος Συμβούλου του Ομίλου Marine Tours, για τη νέα χρονιά

Aποχαιρετώντας την πλέον ιδιαίτερη χρονιά των τελευταίων δεκαετιών, νιώθω την βαθύτατη ανάγκη να σας ευχαριστήσω θερμά για την αμέριστη εμπιστοσύνη, με την οποία μας τιμήσατε καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του έτους.